UM, HAPPY 2017. Glad we've got that over and done with, especially as it's mid-February already.
My year has gone way too quickly but has been pretty great - it's summer, I've been swimming in pools and the bay and the ocean and eating lots of amazing fruit - two of my favourite summer things.
Last week, five days into February, I decided to set myself a challenge of spending an hour each weekday in Feb working on new patterns. IE: the one thing I really want to do but never seem to have time for. I'm so used to thinking about pattern and design in terms of screens and colour separations (for screenprinting) but for this project I've set no limitations. GO NUTS! The aim is to just create, starting on paper and then digitising. So far I've used tools I haven't used before or haven't used in a while - thick Sharpie pens, potato stamps, new paint brushes with India ink and a range of black felt pens I got in Japan. Here is a selection of what I've come up with.
Happy Tuesday!
Flowers © Spin Spin | Susan Fitzgerald
Melbourne © Spin Spin | Susan Fitzgerald
Nature © Spin Spin | Susan Fitzgerald
Fish © Spin Spin | Susan Fitzgerald
Staples © Spin Spin | Susan Fitzgerald