New Fine Art Print: Toiletries

OK, now you know too much about me, even down to my moisturiser of choice (Aesop Mandarin Facial Cream, so good!) and my favourite nail polish (Kester Black is the biz), because I drew them all and then turned that drawing into an art print. Is that weird? It feels a tiny bit weird. Oh well. The packaging of these objects are burnt into my brain, cos I use them all the time. And some of these things are sentimental, like the Mason Pearson hairbrush my mum got me for my birthday when I was a kid (thanks mum!) and the comb my friend gave me for my most recent birthday (thanks Em!) Oh, and my tip for nail clippers? Go to Muji. 

And a little heads up that all art prints are now available in A4 and *new* A3 size. They're all archival quality giclee prints, using the highest quality pigment inks, printed on fade resistant canvas paper (I just love that texture!) Hope you like.

X Susan

Hello 2018

Yep, it's most definitely 2018 now but it took a while for the year to kick in here, due to a bit of an unexpected and crap end to last year. My advice: don't get food poisoning on Christmas Day, then faint with a glass of water in your hand and end up in hospital, needing plastic surgery on Boxing Day. Yes, that really happened to me. But there's nothing like being incapacitated to reevaluate your life and the point of your existence (and what you'll do with yourself if you can't take photos/draw/paint/use a mouse etc etc.)



And more stitches, just before they came out.

And more stitches, just before they came out.

I'm glad to say that my hands are nearly all better, which I am sooo grateful for, and now I cannot wait to see what cool stuff awaits in 2018. At the moment I'm dedicating a bit of time each day to drawing (mainly because I'm so happy that I can draw) and have just listed a brand new drawing called North Carlton Houses, I've just sent off my first textile design to be digitally printed as fabric yardage (I really want to make myself some outfits from my own textile designs), I have a new batch of earrings waiting to be fired in the kiln and I am trying to finalise the design of a new multi-coloured screen print. Oh, and I can not stop taking photos and more photos. Hope your 2018 is going great. 

Digitally printed textiles! This is a sample I designed and had printed last year.

Digitally printed textiles! This is a sample I designed and had printed last year.

This brand new print, North Carlton Houses, has just been listed in the store

This brand new print, North Carlton Houses, has just been listed in the store